It is a cold night,snow gently falling throughout the town,street lights can barely be seen,not one soul was walking outside but sitting down on the bench was Roger. Roger sat there in complete silences,not caring about the cold. He looked down at what he has in his hand,a pink flower dancing in his numb hands as he could feel tears forming in his eyes when his version went blurry. Feeling his tears slide down his face to his lower jaw where his tears froze in his beard. He lifting up one of his hand from the flower he is holding in his hand,placing his hand that was roughly shaking on one of his eyes. Thinking of what happened as he felt his heart ripping apart like a sword was slicing him in half. He knew he had been given to many chances but if she gave him a final chance,he could have shown,he changed. He clenched onto his eyes as felt like tearing off his skin. He sniffed up his snort that was about to fall from his nose,he slowly got him,letting off of the flower as when it slowly started falling he felt memories flash through his mind fading away. He started walking off as his figure fades away slowly disappearing in the snow.
You have some great ideas and it is a very moving piece of writing. Make sure you read your work aloud to check that your sentences make sense. Keep up the great work.